Monday, August 17, 2009

Dreaming Up Ideas

So last night, just as I was falling asleep I had a vision, so to speak. An image of a cute boy with a backstory so interesting that I knew immediately that he had to have his story told. By me. In a book. Probably, several books.

One problem. Writing his story will require massive amounts of research. I mean MASSIVE. I need to learn about an ancient religion, folklore, a major city I've been to once, for one day, and of course, magic. For most of the topics, I don't even know where to go to get the info, so I would have to research researching! Still, I'm pretty fascinated by the idea. These are all topics I've been interested in for a long time. I'm going to build him a little room in the back of my brain and see if he tells me something more about himself and where his story is going.

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